Consultant Services
Do you own a business? Do you accept credit cards for payment of your product or services? Do you fully understand your merchant services program and the fees and charges that you are paying?
The majority of business owners who accept credit cards for payment do not understand their merchant statements and its various charges on the statement.
The confusion of the merchant statement is simply for a good reason and that reason is;
To Enhance the Profits of your Processing Provider!
If you do not understand the statement then it is quite easy to throw in terms and charges that are actually unrelated to your merchant program just to increase the profits of the provider.
Sad to say this is the majority of the credit card processing industry is to enhance their profits by making their merchant statements confusing.
Whenever I analyze a merchant program I find that over 88% of the time I find the merchant statement dishonest and the provider is making substantial profits by either hiding charges or moving transactions to other groups of transactions just to make additional profits while charging enhanced fees of various types of transactions.
Not only do I commonly reduce the merchant program's fees but also eliminate many charges that should not have been there in the first place. I always present to the business owner a very understandable and simple program with no hidden agendas, and importantly, no enhanced charges to take advantage of the owner.
One common practice among others that I find on the merchant statements that are simply dishonest is the program called "multi-tier".
This consists of the processing provider quoting to the business owner an attractive "qualified rate" to accept credit cards for payment and then give to the business owner a rate for a group of transactions what is called "mid-qualified" and also a rate for a group of transactions that is called "non-qualified". With this type of merchant program, transactions can be easily enhanced with charges without the business owner knowing about it and sad to say is a very common way to make substantial profits. If your merchant statement has these terms, then your program is not an honest and fair merchant program and many corrections and eliminations must be made which, depending on your volume will;
Commonly Save You Thousands of Dollars per Year!
Would you like to see if your credit card processing program is fair or not? What I can do is completely analyze your present program and tell you what should be changed, reduced or eliminated from your program. I will explain to you if you simply have a fair program or not and the annual savings that you should expect to receive by having your program changed as to my recommendations.
I have been in the business of providing the services of credit card processing for many years now. Because of my industries common practice of taking advantage of business owner's ignorance and presenting dishonest partial merchant programs to enhance their profits, this is why I wrote my book, Merchant processing 101.
As I expected, my book has caused quite a stir in my industry and that stir is from those who present dishonest merchant programs. Sad to say, this is the majority of my associates and they are making substantial profits at the expense of your bottom line.
Now, I am causing another stir and that stir is providing my expertise to analyze and consult on behalf of business owners to receive a fair and honest merchant program.
It does not matter if your business is a one location mom and pop store or if your organization is a national concern with hundreds of locations. What is important is if your present merchant program is a fair program with no enhanced fees or hidden charges to line the pockets of your provider.
What I will do for you is to first analyze your present merchant program and break down all of its charges. This initial analysis will not cost you anything. I will then set up a conference call with you and explain that you either have a fair program or you do not and explain the total amount of savings that you should expect to receive by my recommended changes and eliminations of unneeded charges. If you would like for me to be your consultant/negotiator with your present processing provider to reduce these fees, charges and eliminations, then I will do this for you. If you find that you may be too upset by finding out that your provider has been taking advantage of you that is costing you thousands and want to change processing providers, I can do this for you also.
In any way that you choose, the object of my analysis is to not only save you money year after year after year, but also, install you on a fair and honest merchant program so that you will never have to worry about if your processing provider is taking advantage of you to make substantial profits. With an honest merchant program, you can now focus your attention on other areas of concern to continue to make your business successful.
I have done these analyses for many years now and commonly saved hundreds and hundreds of businesses thousands of dollars per year in reduced and corrected charges and possibly I can do the same for you.
Remember, it does not cost you anything to find out what you can save and about 88% of the time, these savings easily amount to thousands of dollars per year in reduced and corrected merchant programs.
All that you need to do is to go to the following form and fill out the information at;
Consultant Questionnaire
I will then be in touch with you to begin my analysis and look forward to helping your business become more successful by greatly reducing your credit card processing fees and charges for as long as you own your business.
Bob Becker